Visit Our Playground!
How fun is this? Who doesn't need a day to just play? Our pets aren't any different than we are! Social time is an important factor in every living things' makeup!
Well? We have the purr-fect solution for both you AND your pet! It's the WoofMeow Playground in our Derry Location, only!
- $15 for the first dog, $10 each additional dog for each thirty-minute session
- Birthday Parties are $199 and covers four dogs for 90-minutes and includes a 6-in cake with basic decorations! (You can add more but that will change the price).
How Do You Get In Some Of This Fun?
To Book: Create an account or log into your account.
Select Training: Choose the dog you are booking (Make sure vaccinations are in and updated)
From The Drop-Down Select Woof-Play: For whichever duration and room you are booking.
Select: Date and time - click Add to Calendar.
Scroll Down: Save and Continue.
(If you are adding any additional dogs you'll select that on the next page)
Save and Continue: Add any additional notes...Save and Continue...
Submit Reservation
Play Time Is The Best Time!